The Relative Contribution of Product Innovation to Predicting Fitness Centers Market Share

Document Type : Original Article


sport management department - faculty of physical education - mansoura university


This research aims to determine the relative contribution of product innovation in predicting the market share of fitness centers. The research was conducted on a sample of (76) individuals of managers and workers in fitness centers in Dakahlia Governorate, from different socio-economic levels, and the sample was chosen by a simple random method. The research tools included a general primary data form for the sample, a product innovation questionnaire for fitness centers with its axes, a market share questionnaire for fitness centers with their axes, and the data were collected using document analysis and questionnaires. The data collected and analyzed statistically were classified, , and the researcher used the descriptive approach to suit the nature of the research.
Up to the most important results of the research, which confirms: , there is a positive correlational relationship that is statistically significant at a significant level (0.05) between product innovation in fitness centers and the market share of fitness centers Physical
The current research has recommended encouraging fitness centers to conduct periodic studies to measure the volume of sales in order to calculate the market share and estimate the percentage of profits and sales forecast for future periods, the necessity for the fitness centers to take several measures to maintain the market share by introducing and renewing their products with creative ideas to support their competitive strategy,
