Social isolation as a predictor of psychological security for health club visitors in light of the emerging coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education - Damietta University - Damietta


Social isolation as a predictor of psychological security for health club visitors in light of the emerging coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

The current research aims to identify “social isolation as a predictor of psychological security for those who are hesitant to health clubs in light of the emerging corona virus (COVID-19)”, by identifying the level of social isolation for those hesitating to health clubs, and identifying the level of psychological security for those hesitant to attend. Health clubs, and knowledge of the relationship between social isolation and psychological security for those who frequent health clubs.

To answer the study’s questions, the researcher used the descriptive method for its relevance to the objectives and questions of the study and to test its hypotheses. The basic sample consisted of (536) of health club visitors by (15) health clubs represented by (Damietta City, New Damietta City, Faraskour, and New Alexandria). The researcher is a measure of social isolation (Arabization of Adel Abdullah Muhammad, 1990), and a measure of psychological security prepared by the researcher.

To answer the study’s questions, the researcher used the descriptive method. The basic sample consisted of (536) of those attending health clubs by (15) health clubs represented by clubs (Damietta City, New Damietta City, Faraskour, New Alexandria). Psychologist prepared by the researcher.
The researcher recommended the necessity of intensifying research studies dealing with the concept of social isolation and psychological security, due to their great importance on the psychological stability of those reluctant to peer health.


Main Subjects