Psychological flow and its relationship to quality of life for a student teacher at the Faculty of Physical Education

Document Type : Original Article


Mansoura University Faculty of Physical Education Sport Psychology


The research aims to identify the psychological flow and its relationship to the quality of life of the student teacher, and the researcher used the descriptive approach in order to suit the nature of the research, and the research sample was chosen randomly from the student teachers for the academic year (2019 AD / 2020 AD), and the sample number was (249) students, according to ( 138) male and female students in the third year divided into (76) students, (62) students, (111) students in the fourth year divided into (57) students, (54) female students, and from data collection tools (psychometric flow scale for student teacher at the Faculty of Physical Education - Preparation of the researcher, and a measure of the quality of life of the student teacher at the College of Physical Education - Preparation of the researcher), and one of the most important findings of the study, the student teacher at the College of Physical Education was distinguished by a high level of psychological flow, the student teacher at the College of Physical Education distinguished with a high quality of life level, the lack of Statistically significant differences in psychological flow between males and females, the presence of statistically significant differences in the measure of quality of life according to the variable of sex in favor of male students over females, and the presence of a direct correlation between psychological flow and quality of life for the student with Did not college physical education.


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