Emotional Creativity and Its Relationship To The Teaching Efficiency and Optimism of the Student Teacher Faculty of Sports Education for Men - Alexandria University

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Fundamentals of sport Education - faculty of sport education -alexandria university - egypt


The research aims to identify the significance of the differences between the levels of teaching competence in the emotional creativity and optimism of the student teacher at the Faculty of Mathematical Education, Alexandria University, and to identify the relationship between emotional creativity and between the teaching competence and optimism of the student teacher, and the percentage of the contribution of emotional creativity to the teaching efficiency and optimism of the student teacher, and the researchers used the method The descriptive sample was based on a sample of 171 students, and the results reached a correlation between emotional creativity, teaching efficiency and optimism for the student teacher. Equations were reached to predict the level of teaching aptitude and optimism with the informational dimensions of the measure of emotional creativity for the student teacher at the Faculty of Mathematical Education, Alexandria University, and the two researchers recommend the necessity of using research measures to evaluate The level of the student teacher in these variables and the use of predictive equations to predict the level of teaching aptitude and optimism about the emotional creativity of the student teachers.


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