The effect of Total body Resistance Training on some of the physical ,skill, and digital levels of the disc Throwing contestants

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of physical education .New Valley university


The current research aims to identify the effectiveness of total body resistance training on some of the physical, skill and digital variables of the disc-throwing competition, and the researcher used the experimental approach using the experimental design of one group on a sample of (10) students and enrolled in the strong games team at the University of Beni Suef for the academic year 2019 / 2020 AD. The results of the research reached on the positive effectiveness of total body resistance training on some physical variables represented in (the characteristic strength of the speed of the two legs, the characteristic strength of the speed of the arms, the dynamic balance, flexibility, agility, endurance of strength) and the improvement of the skill and digital level of the discus contestants of the members of the research sample, The researcher recommends that the method of total body resistance exercises should be used as one of the modern trends in the implementation of training programs for the disc ejection competition and use it to develop the level of physical, skill and digital achievement for the disc ejection competition, and also recommends the need to pay attention to the application of (TRX) training programs for the contestants of the field and track competitions, especially the competitions that require elements of strength. Characterized by speed, dynamic balance and agility.


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