The effect of using the Marzano model for learning dimensions to teach the course of educational guidance and supervision in improving mindfulness and cognitive achievement among students of the Faculty of Physical Education

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of physical education for men

2 Professor and Head of the Department of Educational Psychology and former Dean of the Faculty of Education - Damanhour University.


The effect of using the Marzano model for learning dimensions to teach the course of educational guidance and supervision in improving mindfulness and cognitive achievement among students of the Faculty of Physical Education
The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of teaching using the Marzono model for the dimensions of learning in improving mindfulness and cognitive achievement of the course of educational guidance and supervision for students of school sport major, and the two researchers used the descriptive and experimental methods on a sample of (35) student with the school sport major, and to achieve the objectives of the study prepared The two researchers have the following: The teacher's guide and the educational program according to the Marzanoa model for the learning dimensions of the educational guidance and supervision course, the preparation of the study tools represented in the cognitive achievement test and the measure of mindfulness. The validateity and reliability of the tools have been confirmed. Through the application of research tools to the study sample, the results of the study reached the following:
1- Teaching instruction and educational supervision using the Marzano model for the dimensions of learning has a positive effect on the level of cognitive achievement of the research sample.
2- Marzano's model for the dimensions of learning positively affect the level of mindfulness of the research sample.
3- There is a direct relationship between cognitive achievement and mindfulness.


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