The effect of a children's athletics competition program on some basic movements and some physical variables For children stage 4: 6 years

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Sport Psychology - Faculty of Physical Education - Damietta University,egypt

2 Kindergarten Department - Faculty of Education - Damietta University


The study aimed to identify the effect of program children's athletics competitions on basic movements and some physical variables for children stage 4: 6 years, and the experimental approach was used On an intentional sample from the children of the participants in the Specialized Sports Academy, Faculty of Physical Education, Damietta University for the stage Age 4: 6 years, Where the number of sample members reached (28) children, and the training program was applied using children's athletics competitions for a period of 8 weeks, and the most important results were that the proposed program had a positive effect on the basic movements and physical variables of the research sample. The study aimed to identify the effect of program children's athletics competitions on basic movements and some physical variables for children stage 4: 6 years, and the experimental approach was used On an intentional sample from the children of the participants in the Specialized Sports Academy, Faculty of Physical Education, Damietta University for the stage Age 4: 6 years, Where the number of sample members reached (28) children, and the training program was applied using children's athletics competitions for a period of 8 weeks, and the most important results were that the proposed program had a positive effect on the basic movements and physical variables of the research sample.


Main Subjects