Reality of E-learning at the Faculty of Sports Education Mansoura University in light of the digital transformation

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Curricula and teaching methods of physical Education, Faculty of physical Education, Mansoura University, Egypt.


The study aimed to identify the reality of E-learning at the Faculty of Sports Education, Mansoura University in light of the digital transformation from the students' point of view, the two researchers used the descriptive curriculum, the study sample was chosen by the stratified random method, it consisted of (355) male and female students from the undergraduate level at the Faculty of Sports Education, Mansoura University In the second semester of the academic year 2019/2020, the two researchers prepared a digital questionnaire as a tool to collect data that was sent electronically to the study sample, and the most important results were: that the level of skills of students of the Faculty of Sports Education in Mansoura University in the use of technological means is high, and that students of the Faculty of Sports Education of Mansoura University have positive attitudes towards e-learning, and the existence of statistical significant differences in the reality of E-learning among students of the Faculty of Sports Education at Mansoura University due to the gender variable in favor of female students, and the existence of statistical significant differences in the reality of E-education among students of the Faculty of Sports Education at Mansoura University due to the study group variable in favor of students of the specialized stage, the two divisions (3rd/4th).


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