Structural Equation Modeling of the relationship of talent management strategies, the ability to make sports services, and competitive performance in major sports clubs

Document Type : Original Article


minya university - faculty of physical education


The current study aims to reach the best causal constructive model that explains the relationship between the ability to manufacture sports services and competitive performance through human talent management strategies in major sports clubs. The researcher used the descriptive method of "surveys, studies of interrelationships."
The study population is represented by (sports specialists, technical and administrative bodies for different sports) of the major sports clubs in the Arab Republic of Egypt, whose number is (119) one hundred and nineteen sports clubs. The researcher selected the study sample by the survey method according to the geographical regions, where the number of the major clubs selected reached (7) Seven major clubs, where the number of (sports specialists, technical and administrative bodies for various sports) affiliated with those clubs reached (982) nine hundred and eighty-two individuals.
The researcher used (3) three questionnaires, the first aimed at identifying the level of practice of human talent management strategies in major sports clubs, the second aimed at identifying the capacity of the sports services industry within major sports clubs, and the third aimed at identifying the level of competitive performance in major sports clubs .
The most important results were to arrive at the optimal causal structural model that explains the relationship between the ability to manufacture sports services and competitive performance through human talent management strategies in major sports clubs


Main Subjects