The effect of ballistic training on muscular capacity in light of the electrical activity of the working muscles at the moment of elimination of javelin players.

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education for Boys, Zagazig University


This study aims to improve the muscle capacity and the digital level using ballistic training in light of the electrical activity of the working muscles at the moment of disposal, and the researcher used in this study the experimental method with two standards (tribal and dimension) for one group, on a sample consisting of (17) players of javelin throwing, and registered with the Egyptian Athletics Federation.

The results have resulted:
However, the proposed ballistic exercises have improved the physical variables in question, the proposed ballistic exercises have a statistically positive effect at 0.05 at the level of the digital achievement of the javelin competition, and the proposed ballistic exercises have improved the level of digital achievement of the javelin competition.

The researcher is recommended: -
The Egyptian Athletics Federation has included the method of ballistic training as one of the training methods developed in the training of javelin racers within the educational courses of athletics trainers, the researcher recommends the Egyptian Athletics Federation to provide electrolytic device (EMG) to use its results in upgrading the level of training programs so that the trainers follow the correct scientific method in the development of programs.


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