An Analytical Study of the 2019 World Championship for the Most Used and Effective Skills for "Sanda" Players

Document Type : Original Article


University of Manofia Faculty of Physical Education Shabin Al-Kum


The sport of "kung fu" is the art of self-defense by using hands and feet, according to internationally recognized principles and rules. It is divided into tawlo (methods), which is the show and the sanda, which is a fight between two players of equal age and weight. Paying attention to skilled performance and trying to raise the level of players and reach them to the highest levels of skill and planning. This will only come with analyzing the matches to find out the strengths and weaknesses and the skills most used, as well as the technical points achieved, so that we can develop the level of performance of the players and their mastery of the skills most to win and achieve technical points to win the match.
And by analyzing the matches of the World All-Men Kung Fu Championship held in China from 10-24 / 10/2019 AD to determine the most effective skills used in different weights, as well as the most effective ones, i.e. score scoring, which leads to the possibility of setting appropriate plans for training and development to raise the skill level of the players, including It keeps pace with the global level


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