The effect of directing the SAQ training loads according to the biorhythm path on improving the opposite support of some offensive skills of "sanda" players in the sport of (kung fu)

Document Type : Original Article


University of Manofia Faculty of Physical Education Shabin Al-Kum


Kung fu sport is one of the competitive sports that needs specialized training for performance requirements during its competitions. The opponent, but if the player has the ability to change his use of these planning behaviors and the appropriate focus to implement them within the limits of the positions in the match, this may be a factor contributing to providing an opportunity for the player to outperform the opponent. The researcher believes that some of the players who have been trained at the highest level of physical skill, but that did not It prevents the coaches' surprise in the most difficult and most important stages of the competition from a decrease in their physical and skill level due to the lack of training according to the biological state of the players. From here the idea of ​​research crystallized in developing a new way to increase the effectiveness of training programs through the use of biorhythm curves during the structural structure of the training program to improve the opposite support Some of the offensive skills of the "sanda" players in the sport of (kung fu), the importance of which lies in contributing to raising the level of Skillful and planning physical players of actual combat (sanda) players in kung fu


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