The anthropometric variables as a performance level predictors of the weightlifters under age 17

Document Type : Original Article


Alexandria university


The research aim:
Recognizing the anthropometric variables that work as predictors of the weightlifter's performance level under age 17.
The research hypotheses:
1- There is a statistically significant correlation between some anthropometric variables and the lifted weight of the smoke lift of the weightlifters less than 17 year.
2- We can extract a predictive equation for the lifted weight at the smoke lift of the weightlifters less than 17 years by knowing some anthropometric variables.
3- There is a statistically significant correlation between some anthropometric variables and the lifted weight of the clean and jerk lift of the weightlifters less than 17 year.
4- We can extract a predictive equation for the lifted weight at the clean and jerk lift of the weightlifters less than 17 years by knowing some anthropometric variables.
The research sample represented in (20) weightlifters under age 17 whom chosen randomly of weightlifters
1- The research concluded that all the physical measurements (anthropometric) were suitable for all the research sample members.
1- The importance of taking care of the different physical measurement of the weightlifters and depending on it as a base to choose and predict of the skill level and achievement.


Main Subjects