Auxiliary exercises by the station training method on the degree of performance of some aerobic movements for junior aerobic gymnastics for the 6-8 year old age.

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Damietta University


Auxiliary exercises by the station training method on the degree of performance of some aerobic movements for junior aerobic gymnastics for the 6-8 year old age.

The research aims to improve some special physical characteristics, The degree of performance of some aerobic movements for junior aerobic gymnastics 6-8 years, Through the development of a training program using the exercises assisted in the style of training stations.
The research was applied to a sample chosen by the deliberate method, Which was represented by (8) female youth in the Supervision Union Club, The researcher used the experimental one-group approach.

The results showed that the proposed training program using the auxiliary exercises in the station training method led to:
1- Improvement of the special physical characteristics under study in favor of telemetry.
2- Improving the performance score of the cartweel skill on the hands of the research sample.
3- Improving the performance of the side flip skill with a half-turn for the search sample.
The researcher recommends using the proposed training program by using the auxiliary exercises in the station training method When improving the degree of performance of some aerobic movements of junior aerobic gymnasts, In addition to taking into account the training principles and scientific foundations when implementing the program.


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