Recreational interests of Kafr El Sheikh University students during the home quarantine period of the Coronavirus pandemic as a basis for setting up a recreational program

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, University of Kafr El-Sheikh


The aim of the current research is to identify the recreational interests of Kafr El-Sheikh University students during the home quarantine period of the Coronavirus pandemic as a basis for developing a recreational program, and to achieve this goal, the researchers used the descriptive approach (survey) by preparing an electronic questionnaire on the Google Drive website in order to identify interests Recreational students of Kafr El-Sheikh University, the research sample included (2575) male and female students from the number (3) practical colleges, they were divided into (1185) students and (1390) female students, and the two researchers used data collection tools represented in the questionnaire of the recreational interests of students And students of Kafr El-Sheikh University in light of the (Covid-19) Coronavirus pandemic, and the findings of the research reached: "Electronic games" topped the order of the students' sporting recreational activities, while "exercise" top the concerns of the students. "Electronic conversation with friends" took the lead in arranging social recreational activities for male and female students, and "using social networking sites and updating programs" came on top of arranging cultural recreational activities for male and female students, and the male and female students agreed that "online marketing pages" are among the most important commercial recreational activities. And, "Care for appearance, body, and body deviations" is the most important therapeutic recreational practice.


Main Subjects