A proposed educational program with use of reflexology and its effect on some functional variables and the level of skill performance Swimming breaststroke

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education For girls - Alexandria University

2 faculty of Physical education for girls Alex University


The research aims to identify the effect of an educational program with the use of reflexive massage on some functional variables and the level of skill performance of swimming for students of the Faculty of Physical Education and study its effect on improving and developing some functional variables and improving the skill level performance of chest swimming, the research sample was chosen from students of the Faculty of Sports Education who are studying Swimming course crawling on the chest, and the results revealed that there are statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurement of the experimental group in the functional variables and the level of skill performance not in favor of the dimensional measurement and the presence of differences Statistically significant between the experimental and control groups in the functional variables and the level of skill performance of crawling swimming on the chest in favor of the experimental group, and the researchers recommend applying the swimming program using the proposed reflexive massage in the sports field because of its positive impact on the skill level performance of chest swimming and other methods of swimming, and conducting research Similar deals are made with the different swimming methods for the three study groups.


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