Dynamics of evolution of step variables and their relationship to changes in lactic acid concentration and LDH & CPK enzymes during a 400m sprint

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education for men - Alexandria University


The research aims to study the dynamics of development and identification of biomechanical variables for step and changes in the concentration of lactic acid and the enzyme LDH & CPK during the 400m sprint by identifying the relationship between the step variables and the changes of lactic acid concentration and the enzyme LDH & CPK during the 400m sprint race, on a sample of 9 runners. Kinetic using the DartFish Software Team Pro program, and the results came that there is a dynamic increase in the concentration of the level of lactic acid and enzymes LDH & CPK, gradually increasing during the first 100 meters and the second until it reached the highest concentration after the third 100 meters, then the concentration decreased after the last 100 meters in the 400-meter race, and there is a difference. In the running step during the race sections in (step length - step frequency - braking time - thrust time - grounding time - step time - step speed) where 100 meters per second came with the best step time and length and the fewest steps, and an inverse correlation appeared between increasing acid concentration Lactic, LDH & CPK enzymes, and biomechanical variables for stride (length and speed of step frequency), and a direct relationship with variables (braking time, thrust time, ground time, and stride time) during a 400-meter sprint.


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