Competitive orientation and its relationship to athletic achievement motivation and competitive behavior of squash youth

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Sports Psychology, Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University


D / Aya mashhor algamal
The research aims to identify the relationship of the competitive trend with the motivation of athletic achievement and the competitive behavior of squash players. The researcher used the descriptive approach on a sample of 30 players in the age group under 15 During the Republic Championship for Juniors in the Madinaty Sports Club stadium complex, the researcher legalized the tests to measure the competitive trend, motivation of sports achievement and competitive behavior on a sample consisting of (15) squash players from the research community and from outside the basic sample of the research. The researcher reached
 A correlation relationship between competitive orientation and achievement motivation variables (success-achievement motive - failure avoidance motive - total motivation) and competitive behavior
 There is a positive non-significant correlation between the competitive orientation and the motivation for achieving success among the squash youth.
 There is a positive non-significant correlation between the competitive orientation and the failure to avoid motivation of the squash youth.
 There is a positive correlation with a significant function between the competitive orientation and the total motivation of the squash youth.
 There is a negative, non-significant correlation between the competitive orientation and the competitive behavior of the squash youth.


Main Subjects