The effect of a training program to improve the effectiveness of the skill performance of correction for basketball youth under 17 years old in the State of Kuwait

Document Type : Original Article


iThe Ministry of Education


The study aims to identify the effect of a training program to improve the effectiveness of the skillful performance of correction of basketball youth under 17 years old in the State of Kuwait, and the use of the experimental method of the pre-post measurement system for one experimental group in the implementation of the basic study. A year in the Yarmouk club, which numbered (15) basketball players, and the results reached that the training program to improve the level of skill performance for correction and the player against the basket where there are statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurement and in favor of the post measurement at the level of (0.05), where the improvement percentage reached (21.951) %). The training program led to improving the level of skill performance for correction and the player facing the basket in the back where there are statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurement in favor of the post measurement at the level of (0.05) and the improvement rate reached (26.086%). The training program led to improve the level of effectiveness of the skill performance of correction and the player in Facing the basket as the percentage of effectiveness improved from (47.8%) in the pre-measurement to (55.26%) in the post-measurement. The training program led to improving the level of effectiveness of the skill performance of correction and the player facing the basket in the back where the percentage of effectiveness improved from (45.44%) in Pre-analogy to


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