Employing electronic services in acquiring some arbitration skills in the sport of bow and arrow for the third year students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Benha University

Document Type : Original Article


College of Physical Education - Benha University


The research aims to try to identify the effect of using electronic services on the third year students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Benha University with the subject of bow and arrow arbitration. The study is for students of the third year at the Faculty of Physical Education - Benha University, and the study population reached (507) students. Then the researcher selected the study sample by the deliberate method from the study community, and the strength of the study sample reached (300) students who were divided equally into two groups, one experimental and the other controlling, each of them (150) students, and (10) students were selected as an exploratory sample from within the research community and outside The basic sample for conducting the scientific transactions for the tests, where the total sample size was (320) students, and the most important results indicated the following:
1- There are statistically significant significant differences between the pre and post measurements of the control group in the cognitive achievement variable in favor of the post measurement.
2- There are statistically significant significant differences between the pre and post measurements of the experimental group in the cognitive achievement variable in favor of the post measurement.
3- The presence of statistically significant significant differences between the two dimensional measurements of the control and experimental groups in the cognitive achievement variable in favor of the post measurement of the experimental group.


Main Subjects