he use of educational electronic simulation games and their effect on some skill and cognitive variables In handball for elementary school students

Document Type : Original Article


theories and applications Of team sports and tennis Sports Physical Education for Boys Benha University


The use of educational electronic simulation games and their effect on some skill and cognitive variables in handball for elementary school students
Research aims:
This study aims to identify the effect of using electronic simulation games on some skill, cognitive and emotional variables in handball for elementary school students, and this is achieved by
Research hypotheses :
1- There are statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurements of the experimental group (educational electronic simulation games) in learning some basic skills and cognitive achievement in favor of post-measurement.
2- There is an improvement rate between the pre and post measurements of the experimental group (educational electronic simulation games) in learning some basic skills and cognitive achievement in handball in favor of the post measurement.
3- There are positive trends for pupils towards learning by using educational electronic simulation games.
Conclusions and recommendations
First: the conclusions:
In light of the research results, the researcher concluded:
1- The use of teaching through educational electronic simulation games has a positive effect on the students ’skill level, as well as on the level of cognitive achievement of the experimental group students.
2- There is an improvement in the post-measurement compared to the pre-measurement in learning some offensive skills and the level of cognitive achievement of the experimental group, which was studied using educational electronic simulation games.
3- The experimental group students showed a positive trend towards the use of educational electronic games in learning.


Main Subjects