تأثير تدريبات الساکيو (S.A.Q) على فعالية الأداء المهارى لمهارة الغطس والاختراق للاعبى المصارعة

Document Type : Original Article


Physical Education, Tanta University, Egypt.


Sports coaches, players and sports scientists are constantly and continuously looking for modern training methods with the aim of improving sports performance and gaining competitive experience and SAQ training. It is considered one of the most recent methods used in the sports field and that coaches use it to train players in a way that mimics the conditions and situations of play that are not available in traditional programs. Resistors and plyometrics aiming to improve speed of various types, general physical fitness and the level of skillful performance, and SAQ exercises focus heavily on the proper performance model (performance techniques) in addition to explosive kinematic patterns in sports that require speed, agility, and reactive speed as a prerequisite for achieving athletic achievement, The research aims to identify the effect of (S.A.Q) training on the effectiveness of the skillful performance of the skill of diving and penetration for wrestling players, and the most important results are as follows, exercises that contributed in a positive way to improving the ratio of the variables (special agility - special speed - interactive speed) under discussion as follows.
Special Agility 89.9%
Special Speed 14.99%
Reactive Speed 36.4%
Skill Performance Efficiency 70.66%.


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