Cardio exercise and its effect on fat volume, body mass index and some physiological variables for practices in Dammam fitness centers

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Training of Motor Expression and Kinetic Rhythm, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Helwan University


Training has become a science with its origins, rules and various methods that help the individual to reach the highest levels of health and functional competence by developing the physical and physiological aspects and upgrading them to a degree commensurate with the capabilities and characteristics of individuals at various age levels and their health statuses The research aims to the quality of health and reduce the proportion of body fat through identification On the effect of cardio exercises on some physiological variables represented in (fat volume, body mass index, non-oxygenic capacity, anoxic capacity, and the maximum relative oxygen consumption, the basic metabolic rate) of the practices in fitness centers, the researcher used the experimental approach on a sample of (38) An exercise from the female members of a fitness center, they were divided randomly into two groups, one experimental and the other controlling, the cardio exercise program was applied to the experimental group without the control, and the most important results resulted in the fact that cardio exercises affected an increase in the efficiency of capacity, anoxic capacity and efficiency, thus improving the level of physical performance The oxygenic level and the maximum relative oxygen consumption, as well as moderately affected Lifes in lipid mass and body mass index


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