The effect of a regulated physical load on the level of some biochemical changes in serum of the boxing and rowing players

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Competitions and Individual Sports, Faculty of Physical Education for men, Alexandria University, Egypt

2 Department of Water Sports, College of Physical Education for men, Alexandria University, Egypt


الملخص باللغة الانجليزية
The effect of a regulated physical load on the level of some biochemical changes in serum of the boxing and rowing players.
- The research aims to try to identify the effect of a standardized physical pregnancy on the level of some biochemical changes in the blood serum on the blood serum of boxing and rowing players.
The descriptive survey method was used (semi-experimental) for the sample under study, and pre and post measurements were made on it.
- The study was conducted on a sample of boxing and rowing players with a strength of 16 players - (8 boxers - 8 rowing players) under 20 years old. The study sample was chosen by the deliberate method of boxing and rowing players. All medical examinations were performed on the same individuals.
The place where the experiment was conducted by the Egyptian Shooting Club, Alexandria Governorate.
The players underwent a rated physical load on the ergometer for 5 minutes, using their maximum intensity.
- The most important results have resulted in.
1- The presence of a significant increase in the insulin hormone level in the blood serum following the end of the physical pregnancy of the boxing and rowing groups..
The most important recommendations were - study the dynamics of evolution of biochemical changes in blood serum in relation to the training age.

Developing a detailed biochemical model for high-level athletes to guide the training process and legalize physical pregnancy.


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