An educational program using the constructive learning model and its effect on some aspects of learning in track competitions for students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Damietta University

Document Type : Original Article


Sports education


The aim of the research is to design an educational program using the constructive learning model and to know its effect on the cognitive achievement of the track competitions, the level of skill performance of the track competitions, the opinions and emotional impressions of the members of the experimental group towards the model used in teaching the track competitions. The researcher used the experimental method with a pre and post design on one experimental group for its suitability Due to the nature of the research, the research community represents students of the track competition teaching specialization in the third division of the College of Physical Education.Damietta University for the academic year 2019/2020 AD, totaling (37) students. The research sample was deliberately chosen from the research community from the third year students, and their number reached (15) students for the basic study. Data collection tools, cognitive achievement test for track racing, form for assessing the level of skill performance for racing, the researcher reached the following conclusions:
1- The program using the constructive learning model has a positive effect with a high level of cognitive achievement of the experimental research sample.
2- The program using the constructive learning model has a positive effect on the level of skill performance with a high improvement rate for the experimental research sample.
3- There are differences in the opinions and emotional impressions of the research sample towards the model used in teaching (the constructive learning model) in favor of post-measurement.


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