The effectiveness of employing educational digital platforms in promoting participation towards virtual student activities as alternative recreation means from the viewpoint of staff members during the Coronavirus pandemic

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Sport Administration and recreation Faculty of Physical Education For men Zagazig University


Research Aim:
The research aims to identify the effectiveness of employing educational digital platforms in promoting participation towards virtual student activities as alternative recreation means from the viewpoint of staff members during the Coronavirus pandemic .
Research Methodology:
Was used descriptive method using surveys as it suitable to the kind of the problem and achieve the objectives of the research .
Sample of the Research:
The researcher select the basic sample as a deliberate indiscriminate manner, reaching the total sample of staff members (85) forming some of the Faculties of Physical Education in Egyptian universities for the academic year 2020/2021, where they were divided into (15) staff members as a reconnaissance sample and, (70) staff members as a fundamental sample.
The most important results:
• The necessity of benefit the good interactive electronic platforms and employ them for students of the sports recreation via mobile devices as a promising way to achieve learning outcomes.
• Participation in electronic sports courses and tournaments is one of the virtual student activities that students can practice because of their great impact on investing leisure time at home.
Key words : Educational Platforms - Virtual Student Activities


Main Subjects