Management delegation and its role in succession planning to secure the needs of leaders in sports institutions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education for Women - Alexandria University

2 Department of Sports Management and Recreation - Faculty of Physical Education - Port Said University

3 Department of Educational, Psychological and Social Sciences - Faculty of Physical Education - Port Said University


The study aimed to identify the role of administrative delegation in planning leadership successions to secure the needs of leaders in sports institutions, and the researcher used the descriptive approach using the survey method, and the research community was represented by the department managers and workers at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and the study sample was chosen by the random stratified method, and the sample size was (85 ) The study aimed to identify the role of administrative delegation in planning leadership successions to secure the needs of leaders in sports institutions, and the researcher used the descriptive approach using the survey method, and the research community was represented by the department managers and workers at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and the study sample was chosen by the random stratified method, and the sample size was (85 )The study aimed to identify the role of administrative delegation in planning leadership successions to secure the needs of leaders in sports institutions, and the researcher used the descriptive approach using the survey method, and the research community was represented by the department managers and workers at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and the study sample was chosen by the random stratified method, and the sample size was (85 )


Main Subjects