The effect of a virtual educational program using an adaptive learning strategy according to educational methods and preferences on developing the educational performance of students, physical education teachers

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education for Boys in Cairo - Helwan University


The current research aimed to identify the effect of a hypothetical educational program using an adaptive learning strategy according to educational methods and preferences on developing the level of teaching performance of students, physical education teachers. The researcher used the semi-experimental approach, due to its suitability to the nature of this research, and the research community included all students of the band Fourth Division of Education - College of Physical Education for Boys in Al-Haram - Helwan University, which is 63 students and enrolled in the college’s records for the academic year 2020/2021 AD. The researcher also selected the research sample by the deliberate method, represented by all students of the fourth year “Education Division”, which is numbering (40) students, with a percentage of (63.492%) from the total research community, according to the design of the adaptive e-learning environment and the students ’distribution of learning paths according to their learning styles and educational preferences. The researcher also selected an exploratory sample consisting of (15) students from the research community, outside the basic research sample. To conduct the exploratory experiment and verify the scientific transactions of the variables "under investigation", and the most important conclusions were the existence of statistically significant differences between the mean scores of individuals The research sample refers to the learning method, the educational preferences of the learners, and the adaptive e-learning environment in the post-measurement on the observation card of the level of teaching performance of students, physical education teachers. Pre-university and university education.


Main Subjects