Effect of a preventive educational program using Judo Ukemi on safe fall learning for soccer juniors

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Curriculaة and teaching Methods, Faculty of Physical Education, Damietta University, Damietta, Egypt

2 کلية التربية الرياضية جامعة دمياط قسم علوم الصحة الرياضية


The research aims to identify "the effect of a preventive educational program using judo falls on learning a safe fall for beginners football", through (1) designing fall agility tests for soccer players, (2) designing a form to assess safe fall skills for young footballers. (3) Designing a preventive educational program to teach the safe fall of football beginners, and the two researchers used the experimental approach of one experimental group, using pre and post measurement, due to its suitability to the nature of the research, and the basic research sample included (20) footballers in Damietta, and the research results indicated The preventive educational program contributed to improving the performance of fall agility tests for soccer players, as well as in learning the skills of a safe fall for beginners football. Judo falls also have been shown to help prevent injuries by achieving safe falls for the players. The researcher recommends the following recommendations: (1) Using the program under study to teach safe fall skills for all, (2) Implementing the Ministry of State for Youth and Sports (the Safe Fall for All initiative) aimed at preserving the lives of people of all ages. (3) Putting safe fall skills into educational curricula and study programs at all educational levels in schools and universities, (3) studying the impact of teaching safe fall skills on the elderly and people with special needs, (4) Conducting more studies on the causes of wrongful falls and proposing solutions for them.


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