A comparative study between arbitration of kata with eye vision and remote imaging techniques

Document Type : Original Article


1 Competitors and individual sports Department Faculty of Physical Education – Minia University

2 department of The Theories and Applications of Debates and Individual Sports, Faculty of Physical Education, Menoufia University.


This research aims to identify the level of evaluation for judging kata competitions between realistic judging by seeing the eye and remote arbitration through photographic techniques of kata referees in karate, and the researchers use the descriptive approach in order to suit the nature of the research, on an intentional sample of matches During the sports season (2020-2021) and their number (20) twenty games of the official Republic Championship finals at the Egyptian Karate Federation U-15 for kata, (8) first round matches, (8) final rounds, (4) medals by video recording the championship and obtaining On the tournament's Escort, and re-display the tournament videos to the same referees after a period of time, and after the application the results came.
From here we reach a set of conclusions:
1. Video judging does not score similar to real, but rather less than realistic.
2. Video judging, its success rate in classification in the final rounds reaches 60%.
3. Video arbitration did not achieve fairness in the ranking of players in the final round arrangement.
4. Video arbitration achieved the classification of individual matches between two players only, which is the medal matches.
5. In the case of using video in online tournaments, the knockout method is the best way to check the accuracy of the classification, not the group system.


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