Exercise ball chair design and some compensatory exercises to improve working conditions: Ergonomic and Biomechanical considerations

Document Type : Original Article


Kinesiology of department, physical education of sport, Damietta university


This study aimed to determine how to design an exercise ball chair and some compensatory exercises to improve working conditions, The researcher used the descriptive approach, and the research sample was chosen randomly and included (240) participants from the participating members of Al-Ghamry Gym in New Damietta, after the completion of the application of the research procedures in light of the current research sample, the data was processed statistically and then the results were presented and discussed, The most important results were that the design of an exercise ball chair and some compensatory exercises were reached to improve working conditions.Where it was found that the current research sample prefers a chair made of metal accompanied by a back, neck and feet. The research sample also prefers that the work chair includes the ability to control its height from the ground, and that the work chair is mobile. Likewise, the research sample prefers that the work chair be multi-purpose, and that the work chair is equipped with sporting features and tools.
Design a set of compensatory exercises under consideration.
The current research sample prefers to use the tools (exercise ball, resistance sticks, and free exercises) to practice compensatory exercises while sitting on an exercise ball chair.
Determining appropriate compensatory exercises according to the target objectives of these exercises (muscle strength, relaxation, muscle lengthening, balance and control), which have been identified in light of the current research sample.


Main Subjects