Positive thinking and its relationship to achievement motivation and some offensive tactical performances of football players

Document Type : Original Article


1 sohag

2 Faculty of Physical Education- Sohag University


The current study falls within the framework of positive psychology studies, which is the most recent branch of psychology. Studies in this field began in 1998 through Martin Seljman (2002) Director of the Positive Psychology Center in Pennsylvania in the United States of America. The current research aims to identify the study of the relationship between thinking Positive thinking, achievement motivation, and some offensive tactical performances of football players, through identifying the level of positive thinking, achievement motivation and offensive planning performances of football players, and the relationship between positive thinking and achievement motivation and some offensive tactical performances of football players, the two researchers used The descriptive approach is based on a sample of (60) players , The data collection tools were represented in a questionnaire form prepared by the two researchers (Positive Thinking Scale), and one of the most important results of the research is the presence of a statistically significant correlation between positive thinking and the planning performance of football players in the Premier League, and the researchers recommend that coaches focus on the psychological aspects, especially the positive thinking of soccer players. Foot, paying attention to the players' motivations towards achievement through conducting psychological sessions for the players, paying attention to positive psychology for its importance and accessing scientific and psychological facts to benefit from them in the theoretical and practical side.


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