The effectiveness of a rehabilitation program using the isokinetic device and static and moving exercises in rehabilitating soccer players with an anterior cruciate ligament severing after surgical intervention

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Boys, Helwan University


This study was conducted with the aim of: Designing a strengthening program using an isokinetic device to rehabilitate soccer players with an anterior cruciate ligament tears after surgical intervention Designing a rehabilitation program using static and moving strengthening exercises to rehabilitate soccer players with an anterior cruciate ligament torn postoperatively. Identify the difference between the effectiveness of both programs by conducting a pre and post measurement of the sub-goals
In order to answer the following question: Is there an effect of strength training exercises using Isokinetics for football players with an anterior cruciate ligament severing after surgical intervention on the research variables? Is there an effect of static and moving strengthening exercises for football players who have severed the anterior cruciate ligament after surgical intervention on the variables under study? Are there differences between the two sets of strengthening exercises using the isokinetic device and static and moving strengthening exercises for football players with an anterior cruciate ligament tears after surgical intervention in the variables under investigation?


Main Subjects