Evaluating the water sports course 2 according to the hybrid education system within the framework of the quality of university education

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Beni Sueif University


In the digital age, higher education differs greatly from the educational environment and the role of teachers and learners to teaching methods, and this means that it cannot be assumed that learning has actually occurred unless some type of evaluation is conducted for some emerging changes and the appropriate methods used in the evaluation and interpretation of its results are used. To evaluate the assessment decision of the water sports course 2 according to the hybrid education system within the framework of the quality of university education through the quality of a group about us, the survey method was used as one of the analytical descriptive studies and applied to a target sample of (seventy 244 students, 6 faculty members in charge of the course) use the questionnaire As a tool for collecting data, as it contained eight elements for students and two elements for faculty members, which formed the course, scientific transactions were made for the measurement tool, one of the most important results is that the course and its components significantly achieve quality standards, meaning that quality standards were taken into account all the elements of the course, among the most important recommendations Attention to developing and continuing to evaluate the decisions of the water sports department in particular and the rest of the college courses in general according to the system of Education of the hybrid within the framework of the quality of higher education.


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