A dietary supplement combined with a rehabilitative training program for the stiff shoulder joint and its effect on the functional aptitude and performance level of straight and curved punches for boxers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education, Beni Suef University

2 faculty of physical education Alexandria university


The research aims to use a nutritional supplement that contains structural nutrients, in conjunction with a rehabilitation program for stiff shoulder and a skillful training for boxers, the research sample and its effect on: -
Shoulder joint strength and flexibility.
- The level of performance of straight and curved punches.
Research Methodology:-
The two researchers used the experimental method to design one experimental group, by means of pre and post measurement, due to its relevance and suitability to the nature of the research.
The most important results
In light of the study, its objectives, the method used, the research sample, the procedures that have been completed, and within the framework of the statistical treatments used for the data and results obtained from the study, the two researchers reached the following conclusions:
1- The effect of the proposed nutritional supplement associated with a rehabilitation training program was positive in eliminating shoulder stiffness among boxing players (the research sample), where the strength and flexibility of the shoulder joint improved by a percentage ranging between (61.29%: 107.26%).
2- The positive effect of the proposed nutritional supplement associated with a rehabilitation program on improving the performance of straight and curved punches, with percentages ranging between (39.17%: 59.42%).


Main Subjects