Evaluating the quality of logistics service in the Onaizah colleges

Document Type : Original Article


Onaizaah National Colleges, Qassim Saudi Arabia


The research aims to evaluate the quality of logistics service in Onaizah Ahlia colleges by identifying the current situation and requirements for achieving the quality of logistics service and logistical activities and the main criteria for applying the quality of logistics service and methods for improving the quality of logistics service in Onaizah Ahlia colleges, and the research community is represented in the faculty members, the administrative body, students and students of the eighth level The sums are 372, and the researcher selected the research sample in a random way of 160, of which (40) the pilot study sample from within the community and outside the basic research sample and (120) the basic study sample. The researcher used the questionnaire form of her design as a tool to collect data,Among the most important results that I reached was that there are statistically significant differences between all the expressions of each axis of the research, as the values ​​of Ca2 ranged between (228.73 to 1.2) and since the tabular value of Ca2 is at a significant level of 0.05 = 5. 99, the expressions (8,138) have no statistical significance because the value of Ka2 in these expressions is less than 5.99. As for the rest of the expressions, they are of statistical significance. Accordingly, the researcher proposed a model for evaluating the quality of logistics service in Onaiza eligibility colleges and recommended officials to apply it and implement it.


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