Cross training and its effect on some elements of physical fitness related to health and the level of skill performance on the junior gymnastics

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of physical education of banha

2 قسم علوم الصحة الریاضیة


The research aims to identify cross-training and its effect on some elements of physical fitness related to health and the level of skillful performance of young gymnasts. This study was applied to (16) junior gymnasts by 100% of the total research community in the Sudanese General Union Club registered in the Egyptian Gymnastics Federation for the age stage of 12 years Where the two researchers were able to reach the following conclusions:
1- The cross-training program has a positive statistically significant effect on the development of the skill level under consideration.
2- The cross-training program has a statistically significant positive effect on improving the health-related physical fitness components under study.
3- Statistically significant differences were found between the pre and post measurements for all tests of health-related physical fitness components under study in favor of post-measurement.
1- There were statistically significant differences in favor of the post-measurement in the level of skill performance


Main Subjects