The effect of using restraining devices (rubber bands) in water on a digital scale for speed swimmers.

Document Type : Original Article


کلية التربية الرياضية - جامعة الفيوم


Today, the world is witnessing the progress of many sciences, including those in the field of sports training and the rest of the other sports sciences, and swimming has enjoyed a large aspect of the existing progress represented by scientific research and studies, on the basis of which the improvement of the level of performance and the achievement of digital achievement for swimmers is achieved. Among these fields of sport, the development of achievement became a reflection of the extent of the development of the various sciences that were employed to serve sport. In swimming, with regard to short distance swimmers, we find that there are many devices and means that help the swimmer achieve digital achievement, and these methods are many and varied, including rubber ropes, fins, paws, .... etc., and all of these methods are used in swimming effectiveness exercises. It is used inside the aqueous environment and others outside the aqueous medium, such as rubber ropes. These ropes can also be used as resistance or assistance to train the swimmer, according to the specialized swimming method and according to the coach's vision and the swimmer's need for it. The research problem is summarized in the misuse of aids in training by swimming coaches, although these methods are available to swimmers, as lack of familiarity with and knowing how to use them led to distancing themselves from them.


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