Effect of therapeutic exercises and simple games in physical education lesson on improvement of physical fitness components and postural deviations for pupils from (9 – 12) years.

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Lecturer of Curricula and Teaching Methods Department Faculty Of Physical Education For (Boys – Girls) In Port said Port said University


This research aims to identify the postural deviations for pupils from (9 – 12) years, and also the effect of using therapeutic exercises and simple games in physical education lesson on improvement of some physical fitness components and postural deviations for them. Descriptive survey method was used to determine the most common postural deviations for those pupils. Also, experimental method was applied on one group by conducting pre-post measurement. Sample of research was chosen purposively from Talat Harb Experimental of Langue School in port said. Sample of research included injured pupils (n =15) with forward head and round shoulders. Most important results showed that therapeutic exercises program and simple games in physical education lesson have positive effect on improvement some of physical fitness components as for muscular strength, speed, flexibility and agility. Also , there was positive effect as for improvement of postural deviations.
The researcher recommended to apply the suggested program in physical education lesson, and to activate the role of physical education by physical educators, added to establishing varied sports curricula for basic stage pupils that help them to develop their skills and physical qualities for them.


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