The effect of taking "glutamine" as an amino acid during the skillful numbers period on ability Functional and performance level for Taekwondo players

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education, Beni Suef University

2 faculty of physical education tanta university

3 faculty of physical education Alexandria university


The research aims to take glutamine during the period of skill preparation and to know its effect on: -
The functional ability and performance level of Taekwondo players. The research sample was deliberately chosen from the 23 Yulu Sports Club, and their number was (12) Taekwondo players (basic sample) whose ages ranged from (18-21) years old, and the pilot sample included (10) For Taekwondo players, the researchers came to the following conclusions:
1- The effect of taking glutamine during the period of skill preparation was positive in increasing the functional ability of the research sample with improvement rates ranging between (28.19: 97.71)
2- The effect of taking glutamine during the period of skill preparation to an improvement in the level of skill performance of Taekwondo players, the research sample with improvement rates ranged between (18.29%: 43.93%).
The researchers also recommend:
1- The need to pay attention to programs and nutritional supplements for athletes during the training period because of their role in restoring healing and strengthening ligaments and muscles.
2- The importance of using various tools during the period of skill preparation for Taekwondo players
3- Taking glutamine for Taekwondo players during high intensity training.
4- Conducting more studies on nutritional supplements in sports activities.


Main Subjects