تاثير برنامج تأهيلى علي ترکيز عامل النمو الليفي الأساسي وبعض المتغيرات البيوکيميائية المصاحبة لتمزق عضلات الفخذ الخلفية للاعبى کرة القدم

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Benha University


The effect of a rehabilitation program on the concentration of the basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF) and some biochemical variables associated with the rupture of the posterior thigh muscles of soccer players. The research aims to identify the effect of a rehabilitative program on the concentration of the basic fibrous growth factor (b-FGF) and some biochemical variables associated with the rupture of the posterior thigh muscles of football players. Research Methodology : The researcher used the experimental method for its suitability to the nature of the study, as the study was conducted on one experimental group by the method of measurement (pre - follow - after). Research sample: The research sample was chosen by the deliberate method from football players for the team at (Benha Al-Riyadi - Toukh Al-Riyadin - Shebin Al-Kom - Menouf Al-Riyadi) who suffer from a partial tear of the posterior thigh muscles, and the diagnosis was made by the specialist doctor for each team as the sample size (12) A player Main results: 1- That the proposed program has led to a positive improvement for the affected limb in measuring the circumference of the working muscles on the knee joint at 5, 10, 15 cm and the muscle strength and the range of motion of the posterior thigh muscles affected by the rupture.


Main Subjects