The Impact Of COVID-19 Spreading On Biological And Psychological Condition Of Faculty Of Physical Education Tanta University Students

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Sports Heath Science, Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University, Tanta

2 Department of Sports Psychology, Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University


The study aims to know the impact of the spread of the new Corona virus on the biological and psychological state of students of the Faculty of Physical Education Tanta University, by applying an electronic questionnaire to students to know their physical, health and psychological conditions before and during the spread of the new Corona virus. The researchers selected the research sample from the second year students of faculty of physical education where they reached 155 students as a sample to carry out the basic research study. The researchers used the Biological and psychological questionnaire prepared by the researchers. The main results were: The spread of the new Corona virus has a negative impact on the physical and health status (biological status) of students when comparing their response before and during the spread of the new Corona virus. Also, it has negatively affected on the psychological state of students as a result of home isolation.
The researchers recommend the necessity to provide an open places that allow individuals to practice sport in a permanent and continuous manner, especially in cases of similar crises. The need to work on increasing the culture of people and making the practice of sporting activity on a daily basis a life style. Conducting more studies to know the effect of the spread of the Coronavirus on different groups of the Egyptian people.


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