A graphic network of kinematic variables for the shooting skill, considering the theory of brain specialization for some Egyptian handball team players.

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of physical education-Alexndria University


A graphic network of kinematic variables for the shooting skill, considering the theory of brain specialization for some Egyptian handball team players.

Dr. Tarek Lotfy zahran

Mechanics is concerned with studying the flow of movement, its manifestations and the angles of the joints in order to achieve a skill of an elaborate level, so the trainer must have a great capacity of biomechanical information such as the principles and kinematic foundations related to the nature of skill performance, as identifying the most important minutes of performance is considered as a criterion for performance evaluation, At the same time, indicators of the extent of the success of the learning and sports training process. (94: 4).

The research aims to arrive at building a graphic network to identify the most important kinematic variables for the skill of shooting in light of the theory of brain specialization of some players whimpering to handball.

The most important conclusions: There are some kinematic variables that play a fundamental role in the success of shooting from above the head for left-handed users, represented in the average speed of the elbow joint on the vertical and horizontal levels.

The most important recommendations: The necessity of developing a graphic network for the kinematic parameters of all play centers for the skillful performance of both groups, men - women.


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