The effectiveness of self-learning method using Microsoft Teams platform on the motivation of learning and Numerical level of the 100 m sprint competition

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Physical Education and Sports, College of Basic Education, Kuwait.


The research aimed to identify the effect of self-learning method using Microsoft Teams platform on the motivation of learning and numerical level of the 100 m sprint competition.
The researchers used the experimental method by using one group pretest posttest design on a sample consisted of (65) students from Department of Physical Education and Sports, College of Basic Education, Kuwait, (15) students were excluded to conduct an exploratory experiment on them, so that the basic research sample became (50) students. data collection tools were devices and tools - physical tests - exploratory study - Learning motivation scale - numerical level test for the 100 m sprint competition - educational program, and the researcher used the following statistical treatments: - arithmetic mean - standard deviation - median – coefficient of skewness - simple correlation coefficient - "T" test - equation of improvement rates.
The most important results are:

1- The self-learning method using Microsoft Teams platform has a positive significance on the motivation of learning and numerical level of the 100 m sprint competition.
2- All students of sample experimental study have had the evolution of their skill levels.
3- Education using self-learning affects positively at the skill level of students sample experimental study.
4- Self-learning is one of possible and successful solutions in teaching skills without conditional as like as traditional education.


Main Subjects