The use of Pilates training to improve some physical variables and their effect on the follow-up (defensive - offensive) of junior basketball

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of visical education

2 Department of Training and Movement Sciences, Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University


The current research aims to identify the effect of Pilates training. The research sample represents basketball beginners under 18 years old from the Mahalla municipality sports club and registered with the Egyptian Basketball Federation season (2020/2021) in Gharbia governorate, where the research sample was chosen randomly and divided into 15 players as a basic sample. For Research and 12 Players for Polls. The results found that the proposed training program (Pilates exercises) showed a positive effect on physical abilities, where the highest improvement rate in the tests was the test (throwing a medical ball from sitting 3 kg) and it was (62.03%) and the lowest rate of improvement in the test (bending and extending the arms from lying down). And it was (9.43%)
The training program had a positive effect on the follow-up (offensive - defensive) under discussion, as the result of the improvement rate in the defensive follow-up test was (19.25%) and the rate of improvement in the offensive follow-up test was (26.62%)


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