Active learning by using learning strategy peer to overcome the difficulties of learning to swim for beginners

Document Type : Original Article


Phiscul Education for men Alexandraia universty Department sports aqatiqes


This study aimed to overcome some learning difficulties in swimming for children This is by raising the motives of beginners learners towards learning to swim by applying active learning by using peer learning strategy to create a suitable educational climate The research was applied to a sample of beginners learners (6: 9) years, The total number of the research sample reached (40) learners and they were divided into two equal groups, each group (20) learners, The educational program was applied to the control group and the application of active learning using Peer learning strategy for the experimental group the dimensional measurements of the two groups were carried out after the end of the program period. The results resulted in a positive and effective effect on the learners' acquisition of basic skills and the performance of crawling swimming in a holistic manner with minimal effort and during an appropriate period of time for the control group. And the percentage improvement percentages, the percentage improvement ranged between (8% to 49.5%) in the level of basic skills acquisition and crawling swimming performance in favor of the experimental group. The researcher concluded that through active learning using a peer learning strategy that helped to learn the basic skills in swimming crawling for beginners (6: 9) years.


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