Manufacture and standardization of an inhalation respiratory tolerance device

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences Anbar University Iraq


Abstract :
The idea of manufacturing and standardizing a measuring device that carries the capacity of breathing in breathing that the researchers invented and installed is one of the most important sports medical devices that must be available and used in hospitals and health centers and in many institutions, fields, places and gyms, and it is one of the sports medical devices that can be used anywhere Indoor and outdoor electrical sources are available, and it can be connected and operated with a laptop computer, as well as in laboratories, halls, halls and sports fields. Therefore, the two researchers installed their device and called it (a measuring device that tolerates the amplitude of inspiratory breath), then they standardized it on an exploratory sample (100) students and obtained very high validity, stability and objectivity scores. In order to reach an assessment of the maximum inspiratory endurance, they conducted two tests to endure the maximum respiratory capacity of the inspiratory capacity for a sample of players participating in the football championship from the ages of (17-18 years), totaling (150) players. And they obtained a very high correlation coefficient between the pre and post tests of the sample, that is, before and after the match for this sample. The two researchers concluded the importance and necessity of manufacturing the device and providing it to medical, therapeutic, diagnostic and training centers in order to measure and evaluate this important physiological variable of the respiratory system.


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