Determining the biomechanical characteristics of the shot put for first-class runners in the Arab Republic of Egypt as a basis for developing qualitative training for the performance stages.

Document Type : Original Article


Physical Education for girls Alexandria University


The aim of the study is to determine the most important biomechanical variables for the shot put competition in crawling technique Determine the proportions of the most important biomechanical variables for the shot put in crawling technique competition A proposed design for training the shot put competition in crawling technique according to the most important variables affecting performance
Study questions: What are the most important biomechanical variables related to the shot put competition in crawling technique?In light of the research objectives and questions, and within the limits of the method used, the research sample and data collection tools, and through the results of the research, the following conclusions were reached:
1- The biomechanical characteristics of the shot put disposal phase and the contribution to improving the achievement level of the shot put contestants in the research sample. The index of the collected acceleration of the body’s center of gravity during disposal is the most biomechanical indicator that contributes to improving the achievement level of the competition in the research sample, where the percentage of its contribution is 76%.


Main Subjects