The effect of Circuit Training and Qigong Exercises on improving some Physical abilities , Physiological measurements and Force of basic Strokes in Tennis

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education for girls - Alexandria University .

2 Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Alexandria University


The aim of the research is to improving some Physical abilities , Physiological measurements and Force of basic Strokes in Tennis .
The research was applied to a sample that was chosen by the deliberate method it was divided into two groups , one experimental group included (6 players) , and a control group included 5 players the experimental method was used by using the experimental design of two groups , one of them is experimental and the other is control , with a pre and post measurements. Data collection tools included Physical , Physiological and Skill Tests. The study was applied from 2020. three exploratory studies were conducted before start of the tribal measurements and the circuit training program, Qigong exercises and Skill exercises were applied for a period of 6 weeks

The results of the research showed that
There were statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurement in the Physical abilities , Physiological measurements and skill tests of the experimental group in favor of the post measurement
There were statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurement in some Physical abilities , Physiological measurements and skill tests of the control group in favor of the post measurement
There is an effect size between two groups in the Physical abilities , Physiological measurements and skill tests in favor of the experimental group , which confirms the effectiveness of the program used in improving some Physical abilities , Physiological measurements and the level of Skill Performance


Main Subjects