Use of crossfit Exercises and their impact on muscle ability and some physiological variables And the level of performance of the complex offensive skills of basketball player

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Sports Kinesiology and Training, Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University, Tanta.

2 Sports Training Department Faculty of Sports Education Kafr Al , Sheikh University


The current research aims to identify the impact of the use of crossfit Exercises on muscle ability and some physiological variables and the level of performance of the complex offensive skills of basketball players, and represents the research sample of basketball players under 20 years of age at The National Bank Club and Arsenal Club The research sample was selected in the intentional manner of basketball players under 20 years of age at The National Sports Bank Club, and the research sample included (15) players. 16 players from within the research community and outside the core sample of Arsenal Club were used to conduct reconnaissance studies, and the results found that the proposed training program (Crossofit Exercises) showed a positive impact on muscle ability where the highest rate of improvement in tests is the vertical jump test Sargent (10.7%) In the 30w seating test, 31.2%, and in physiological variables between (5.18%), In the variable heart rate in comfort, and between (44.2%) In the blood-lactic acid concentration variable after exertion, the rates of improvement in complex offensive skills ranged from (19.7%) to 19.7% In a receipt variable, then deception, then a conversation, a peaceful correction was made, and between (54.4%) In the receipt variable, then the interviewer then anchors and then passes.
Keywords: Crossofit Exercises


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